Thursday, January 10

Sayonara 2012 and Bonjour 2013!

Assalamualaikum wbt.

 I know you would say this post is a bit too little too late, but nevermind.
Well New Year is already here and I don’t have any closing post for 2012 like everyone did. *A bid disappointing actually* again, nevermind.

Let’s go straight to the point. 

Credit: Google image
People now believe in 1 Malaysia. I dislike reading and because of that belief we Malaysian share the same habit. We never read! We rather love sitting next to the window in buses or LRT, stretching our views outside thinking about Malaysian’s politics, planning of what to do with RM1000000 if we have such lots of money, commenting on others fashion like a designer or worse acting like a psychic by guessing what others are thinking. *Well, that are what I used to do before*

But, that was 2012. A year ago. Apart of fireworks, it is an annual norm for Malaysian to make unachievable New Year resolutions. An aim to reduce weight by 10kg end up gaining 11 kg, aim to work harder end up getting bundle of new works, staying up late and went home late at night. Unluckily, some might stick to last year’s aims for the fourth years in a row. I never say having new resolution is wrong, it is highly recommended, especially by me. I myself have a new one. Mine is to start reading. *This is not my last year’s aim ok*

I know changing one habit is absolutely hard. It is like a sole fighter in a fierce battle. *Well, that metaphor might be too much, you surely gonna lose, terribly. * But, it is never impossible. If 47 years old Bosnian muslim can walk to Mecca on foot to perform Hajj in 314 days, I don’t think changing a habit could be much harder than that. I just need discipline, passion and obviously books. *and money to buy books*

So, if you please stretch your hand and like in a movie, ‘let’s join me in a quest of knowledge and adventure’.*I would recommend a book ‘How to read for dummies’ for those who just started and ‘How to win friend and influence people’ for those in advance stage. * Narh, just kidding! Start reading today. You can make a different. Iqraq!

*wish me good luck btw*

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