Monday, April 2

Embrace life

There is no other greater word to begin with, rather than 
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

A window keeping me off from malicious world outside

Admittedly, I come from a very well moderate family, not as rich as I dream of nor as poor as those who are begging for food and suffered in hunger. Perhaps my mum is naturally a well trained financial advisor and a gifted book keeper. Well, we did suffer a strict momentary period at the end of each month, but it would certainly be over at the beginning of following month. 

As for me, Alhamdulillah I'm blessed, right from the day I was born. My mum once told me that there were some complications during the delivery. The doctor was unable to pull me out, I was sophisticated. “You look pale and blue” that was what my mom told me when the situation was over. The doctor was expecting any brain damage or something, a common complication suffer by any babies underwent similar scenario. “But, Alhamdulillah you were fine” a must sentence for my mom to end her story. 

Well, as I reflect back to my 20 years of living, lots of stuff I’ve gained and many unexpected things happen and change beyond the world we use to live in, the circle that we created by ourselves. Back in primary school we weren’t matured to think and differentiate between bad and good. I remembered crying for not bringing any textbook, as I thought I was still in the exam week , back in year one. The teacher kept on consoling me, “It is ok, we are not gonna learn anything today” she said. Honestly, I loved to skip evening class “sekolah agama” with no particular reasons. As I can recall, out of 5 schooling days, I attended 3 of them at most and Friday is a must-skip day. I assume, it is funny when I think about it again.

The no-similar school life

I really miss the moment of high school life. There is where all the joys and laughter come together as I recall it. Despite there are some not-so-happy moments, yet the blissful occasions fade them all. Here, life so much different. No longer borrowing friend’s book to complete the lab report, no longer fun studying until the very late night, yet exam is just tomorrow and nothing joyful than sitting on friend’s stretched bed talking about people and issues at school.

 On the other hand, foundation is really a huge challenge for me: stepping into the world of varieties and unpredictability. Yet, it taught me well and it did change me somehow from bad to good and some from good to bad, sadly. 

Life never always a plain sailing

So, it is true life is full of surprises. I smiled to myself on how a not-so-close schoolmates turn out to be the one that is close to you. We hardly saying Hi to each other before, but now we become a good friend. Yet, how surprising that the friendship that I tried to build before, turn out to be “silent” relationship when we leave our school age. Thus, in life there are lots more to be discovered. Certainly, there will be a very down moment in everybody’s life, it is the moment when we are really tested. 

Nothing is impossible for Him, even dying tree come alive with His will

Last week I called a friend in Malaysia, a very close friend of mine. His STPM result came out recently. We went to the primary school together, when he moved to my hometown at the age of 12. We achieved success together back there. Yet, fate held us apart when he was accepted to a boarding school far to the east of Malaysia, yet mine was at the very north. We sometimes met during the school breaks. I feel sorry for him, yet nothing I can do rather than to pray for the best to him. Allah knows the best. Remember, when you feel all alone and nobody to wipe your tears, He knows. When you feel it is too heavy and you no longer have any courage to move on, He knows. Even a drop of leaf from a single tree, out of thousand and billions of plants, in a place out of nowhere in the earth, He knows. Only to Him we seek the ultimate protection and comfort. All the best to you.  Take care till then.


  1. Hebat ah pijul! And yes He knows:)

  2. Thanks feefa.. tke cre there. :)

  3. i suggest you write a column. or a book. siyesly.
    THIS...IS... SEWIYOUS...... >:)
