Saturday, October 29

Picture of me

Some words to describe me I guess..

I like to say I’m tired, yet actually I’m sad and expecting people to believe, but they never did

I like to remain silent whenever I feel sad, sorrow, despair or angry and not speaking even a single word

I like to write poem whenever I’m hurt inside, yet it sound terrible when I go through it

I like when people care about me, yet I’m sorry for being able to act similarly

I like to watch sad-ending movie and imagining that I’m the one who was killed at the end

I like to see my phone and expecting someone to text me whenever I feel lonely, and it did!

I like to listen to song and imagining I’m singing in front of the crowd with that charming voice

I like to switch a positive thought to negative and feel sad over it for no reason

I like to say sorry especially to those who I care, despite I do not do any wrong

I feel sad whenever I face any difficulties but others are not and expecting someone to console me

I feel sad when they are discussing but I cannot understand what it is all about

I feel sad whenever I cannot fulfil my friend wish coz I have something going on

I feel sad if I realize something, but it is too late and there is no turning back

I feel sad when it is time to say goodbye and time flies swiftly but I never have the chance to say thank you 
for everything

I hate when you ask me to do something but I don’t like it, yet I agree because you are my friend

I hate myself when I’m sad coz I feel like locking myself in a room and cry, waiting for someone to knock 
the door

I hate myself for not being able to help someone in need and walk away if someone else did

I’m grateful for having good friends who are always there whenever I need them, but I never realise that until now

I'm grateful for all these blessings given to me, hopefully I can use them wisely and appreciating what I have now

I’m grateful if you are reading this as it means you care and it does not mean that I'm sad..ok.. :)

I'm happy having u guys, yet I'm pity u guys for having me