Friday, December 23


I believe everyone has a secret and opinion to share. There is no solid right or wrong opinion, just the matter whether it is appropriate, acceptable or otherwise.

I do believe that everyone will eventually change. No one can ever sticks to a concrete characters, feeling, behaviour or opinion forever. One will ultimately change from bad to better, better to best or sadly even good to bad.

Someone who you missed the most may not even think about you.

Someone who once cared you the most may not heeded you ultimately
Someone who you trusted the most once, may be the one who breached it.

Someone who you hated the most yesterday may end up to be the one who you missed today.

Someone who once was your friend may end up to be a stranger to you. 
Someone who was once your foe may became your best friend unexpectedly.

Someone who used to be so mean may be the one who you can rely the most.

Someone who once you loved with all your heart may be the one who started all the hatred.

Someone who you ignored once, may be the one want the meet the most

Someone who once the one that made you happy, may be the one who always hurt your feeling

Someone who once shared everything with you, may started to keep secrets from you now

Someone who once always beside you, may already have someone better

Someone who once you always be waiting for, may not even shown up today

Don’t expect too much from someone else, we may be the one who are sad at the end... 
Life is all about uncertainty; undoubtedly we will never know what will happen tomorrow. We may have planned everything perfectly and no flaws can ever happen. Yet, we can only plan, but God will decide it. We must believe God only want the best for us, He knows what we don’t know. We may expect something we like is good for us and likewise, yet God knows more than that.


I believe everything will never be the same forever, despite how bad we want it to be. Some people do not understand how important it to us and some do not know how to appreciate what they have until they actually lose it, worst; some not even know what to do with it when there is a chance. 
Dear friend,
It has been a while we didn’t see each other. Last time, I was very sad when we said our farewell. I almost cried but still pretended to be strong coz I have faith that we will meet again. Sadly, now everything changed in a blink. You are no longer the one that I knew, the one I felt long to see, the one who always encouraged me and the one who always told me to stand up whenever I fell. 
I never blamed you coz I knew that everyone changed and once they did, they would never be the same. I was grateful to be given a good friend as you once and I regretted that I never really tried to appreciate you. But, now I knew how it felt when losing someone we loved.

Maybe I was wrong for judging you like this, but I could feel it. I’m sorry if during our friendship, I did hurt your feeling but I didn’t realize it, maybe I didn’t pay attention when you needed me the most, maybe I wasn’t there when you called my name. I’m sorry for all those. Despite, everything has changed, I will forever and always keep you in a special place in my heart, best friend forever.

I'm happy having u guys, yet I'm pity u guys for having me

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